Sequential Lay

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    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    JDUBU 1

    Thank you this is perfect ?


    Nicely done FOG, though I think people will need to edit the bookie stake field from time to time. I’m actually in the process of putting together a calculator for these enhanced odds offers as they seem to popping up every week now!

    beh 7

    Very nice Fog, cheers. Had something similar but this is far more polished.

    dmc 1

    Thanks 🙂

    roly24 11

    Good man FOG – great shout well done mate

    dekoder 1

    Great job!
    What I would change (and changed on mine) is having “break even stake” and “used stake”. By default the used stake is just pointing to break even stake but if I want to lock profit earlier I can input a different amount without screwing up the formulas.

    beh 7

    Similar to dekoder. If I want to guarantee profit, I have a bit that tells me the effective back odds of the final leg. Along with the total stake up to that point.

    I also have the combined odds taking in to account commission.

    Dave_Jones 7

    Nice job FOG thanks for sharing.

    foreleft 2

    how do you work it out to lock in profit?


    RyanB 11

    Very well done FOG i did suggest this to Matt actually at the weekend so hopefully this can get implemented into the main site when Matt gets time! I do agree it would be nice if there was an option which told you how much to lay on the last leg to guarantee no matter what…I struggle to work this out and therefore just tend to underlay again which might not always be the best plan (even thought it probaly works out the same over time)

    dekoder 1

    I’m sure it’s possible to make a formula in excel to calculate an even profit before the last leg (or earlier) but I just do it manually by increasing the lay stake and excel calculates both win & lose outcomes.

    beh 7

    For the final leg, effective back odds is just the returns on bookie bet divided by total staked up to that point (original back + 1st + 2nd … leg liabilities). I don’t have it automated beyond that, but from there you have stake, back, and lay odds which you just put in to a standard calculator as an arb.

    Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.

    RyanB 11

    Does sound right to me, guess previous times ive just been lazy/didn’t want to cock it up!

    78naD 2

    Good man the Fog!

    Tony 12

    Good work FoG – your disclaimer looks very familiar to me!! haha 😉

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