Bet365 – 25% Enhanced Winnings – Ideas on use?

  • Bet365 are boosting payout by 25% for certain Football matches – I had been just trying to guess the winner and overlaying, however could I guarantee a small return by multiplying the back odds by 1.25?

    e.g. Back odds 2.05
    Lay odds 2.3

    Increase Back odds by 1.25 to take into account of the boost if I win
    So 2.5625
    Lad odds 2.3
    Win £2.29 whatever or overlay depending on risk?
    Hope that makes sense?

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    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    MB1979 5

    Be careful, your new back odds calculation is incorrect.

    The back odds are 2.3125 and not 2.5625.

    ((2.05 – 1) x 1.25) + 1

    bettingbitz 34

    Thank you I had not considered the -1 aspect, much appreciated.

    As a concept, is there merit in doing it this way or keep guessing the outcomes with better matched predictions. e.g On the Manu game I was cautious and so got an extra £5?

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