Day 4

  • What’s on offer for Gold Cup day?

    Sky 5 places could be good.

    Anything else?

  • New to matched betting?

    My Matched Betting Academy is the best place to get started. Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Enigma 28

    Spiritofthegame either 5th or 6th

    bbobb 23

    I think I may have don well here… Mohaayed was the one that I didnt get a match on so underlaid.

    Missed my place lay on Lagostovegas and let it run at Sky.

    MbPunter 18

    Definitely spiked 1 extra place with spiritofthegames. Need it 5th for the double landing.

    Chris 19


    Chris 19

    Had 1st, 3rd, 4th and by the looks of it 5th

    Enigma 28

    Thanks to FOG for pointing out Spirit last night in the 6 place market, would not have even checked

    Chris 19

    5th dead heated which takes the shine off it a little bit still, kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-ching

    aNtis0ciaL 12

    Put spirit on in the 5th and 6th place markets, did both come in?

    MbPunter 18

    Clean win for 6th place and half return for 5th.

    Chris 19

    Yeah but dead heat so only paid half

    I got paid £180 by Bet365 on spiritofthegames which is half of what I was hoping for

    bbobb 23

    I made about £3-£400 on that race I think

    1st, 3rd and Lagostovegas extra place.

    Enigma 28

    First dead heat ive ever seen

    Winnings 2 extra place bets on the same horse, ha

    Chris 19

    £526 up, biggest win of the week on one race

    scabbadab 252

    nice 1 bob! Had £40 e/w on spirit (6 places) and a good arb on whiskey +180. Had 105 e/w on Farlclas earlier 8.5/8.4 Bog turned profit there up to about +170. Great day so far!

    grinningbeast 0

    How much money are you guys putting on each horse for those kind of returns!!!

    Very well done

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