How are you making the bulk of your profit……

  • Hi i was just wondering if anybody could share how they make the bulk of there matched betting profit each day/week/month. Iv noticed some of you are earning some serious money and i know i need to venture outside of doing just the offers Matt posts if i want to make more money and i need to learn new techniques (still trying to get my head around the acca insurance stuff).

    Thank you in advance 🙂

  • New to matched betting?

    My Matched Betting Academy is the best place to get started. Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Ice Magic 3

    The blog offers should be enough for a decent return. £9500 last year should be enough for anyone.
    I started doing a bit of C4 4/1 offer on bet365 which can be lucrative but also helps to lose money back to the exchange. Other than the 2nd place offers every now and again I pretty much stick to the blog.
    Sometimes luck can help, for instance the last 50/50 bet365 offer i backed and laid the risk free bet but when placing the bet the odds were better than pre match so i earnt £60 instead of £30.
    There are plenty of enhancements to do as well which are only worth a few quid here and there but many can be underlayed for a better profit.

    MarkCorrigan 9

    Matt didn’t make £9,500 last year, btw. The current total goes back to 2013…

    JDUBU 2

    ah ok didn’t know that. I only joined Sept/Nov time so I’m still pretty new to everything. How do you make most of your profits Mark?i need to keep going over your acca technique until i understand it as it seems a great way to make regular profit.

    JDUBU 2

    yeah I’m really looking forward to the next Bet365 offer as they seem to be the best around. Yeah iv tried 2nd place offer but had no luck so far but surely i will hit one one day.

    kjillman 1

    Think he has actually, because that’s pretty crap for over 2 years work!

    Ice Magic 3

    I like the sound of the acca thing but I just havent had time to plug numbers into the spreadsheet and choose some games
    Betbright give 100% stake back if one leg fails and 50% if 2 legs fail!

    JDUBU 2

    hm yeah i had a look though his profit log it did look good for last year.

    JDUBU 2

    Yeah the acca thing is the way forward surely for regular profit its just getting your head around it. Im hoping Will Hill have mb 2nd offers on tomorrows racing including the 2:35 kempton so we have more chances with the Sky offer.

    MarkCorrigan 9

    Yeah, the current total goes back to 2013, but it seems he made £7,200 in 2015 which is obviously pretty good!

    MarkCorrigan 9

    Most of my profit comes from accumulators – numerous sites do the insurance (some terms are better than others).

    JDUBU 2

    I don’t suppose you have got a accumulator example for tomorrows games?then i might just copy it and try to get my head around while putting it into practice as i really want to get involved 😀 what sites are best to place the acca?and do you use the same acca for each site to make things easier?Thank you

    JDUBU 2

    wow £7200 would do me fine each year!thats crazy!

    simon2000 2

    I’m relatively new to it. Make a decent amount on the 2nd place horses but it’s time consuming.

    I think I still gamble too much. Often I’ll use free bets for a punt on football rather than grind the pounds. I need to stop this as those pounds soon add up. Although I have generally done ok

    Ps anyone looking to use a free bet up tonight ready for horses tomorrow there is 5.75 vs 6.2 on storm sanders in women’s tennis at 1:30 (although I guess tennis can Carry risks in case of injuries)

    beesty2016 3

    the bet bright one is a very good offer. Min odds 1/5 so the trick is to pick 5 games between 1/3 to 1/5. I’m going to have a go this weekend on some of it! Used to do it on betfair by picking 6 teams and rotating them into 5 bets with the last team being my “banker” it meant that if 6 won I won 5 times. If 5 won then 1 won and I got 4 tokens and if 4 won I got two tokens. Made a load off it but became risky doing 125 quid worth of accumulators when a shock result would be costly!

    alflavor 0

    Hi all new here, giving PA a break, and have joined you guys. I’ve made over £1k now, half from sign ups, half from football reloads mainly.

    Poor start to Jan, couple of silly mistakes wiped out £40-50. Trying HR refunds but no joy yet after doing 12, also trying acca refunds too, one at a time though.

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