Massive Arb

  • Posted this as part of the Sky thread but it’s so good (I think) that it needs more visibility…

    Barca 4-0 on SKybet at 19.0

    Lay on Smarkets, Any other away win at 5.4.

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    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    RyanB 11

    ……………What if its 4-1? A common mistake

    if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

    greig A 1

    I know they’re on a roll but a draw or home win??

    Drogs 0

    If the score was 4-1, 4-2, 5-0 etc you would lose both the bet and the lay

    nick2punt 10

    Are you sure you have thought this through?

    RyanB 11

    But hopefully you posted this before putting your life savings on it ey mate 😉 haha!

    Tony S 7

    This is on par with the HT/FT win both halves mistake

    Common… Don’t beat yaself up but still very much a mistake

    78naD 2

    Whenever I see massive arb or bet this quick, an alarm bell goes off. More often than not people get confused.

    albatross 3

    Oh no!!!!!!!!! The alarm bell was ringing and I wasn’t listening. How can I fix this? Do I just need to hope for the best?

    RyanB 11

    Cash out your lay and just leave your £5 free bet to run…..

    RyanB 11

    Ah your on Smarkets…just back it to cancel out all your liability perhaps.

    El chico 1

    Pray to baby Jesus amigo … pray

    charlie255 0

    what they normally do when they make a mistake on the odds is just reduce the odds to what they should have been.
    it doesnt help you much if you have put loads on it

    RyanB 11

    Charlie this has nothing to do with a bookie putting the wrongs odds…this is to do with laying an event thinking it covers your back bet, which it doesn’t. Therefore you could either gamble its not more than 3-0…or just back the any other home win it cover most of your liability…youll still be down but not much compared to if it was 4-1 4-2 etc …

    dmc 2

    Don’t pray to anyone, just do what Ryan suggested.

    Your liability will be around £73, so put £14 on any other away win which has gone to 5.6 and you’ll cancel out your liability (actually make a couple of pounds). And you’ll still have your skybet in play.

    charlie255 0

    oh ok sorry thought it was a bookie mistake. my fault for not reading it properly lol

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