William Hill Arsenal to win by 2 or more goals

  • £25 max bet boosted to 3.

    Lay Arsenal -1.5 (Asian Handicap)

    Odds currently 2.6 but will change underlay for potential £9

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    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Bob87 0

    I wasn’t having ago. I appreciate the posts and I am grateful. The reason for my reply was a partly what you and Khod have just said. Firstly, there are many posts which are frustrating and you just ignore them. Secondly, it is hard sometimes to determine between laziness and genuine confusion so why then bite someone’s head off for asking a question. As much as I take on board your opinion about it not being fair to reply like that, was it fair for Ryan to reply like he did? I don’t think so. Eye for an eye and all that.

    Mark P 1

    Think they’ve hit their liability for this now, max stake is going down for everyone.

    RyanB 11

    Just leave it guys there is no issue here! Anyway, fingers crossed for an Arsenal win. Also check out my other thread below regarding Giroud first goalscorer, always worth a go!

    Bob87 0

    And I struggle to post offers due to time restraints of three young kids and a full time job. And it’s due to that I am even more grateful to have a forum where people actively post. Not taking anything away from Ryan’s work, he’s one of the best for posting offers. Was just defending someone who I felt was reacted to a bit on the harsh side that’s all.

    Bob87 0

    Just saw your last post Ryan after I posted mine! Sorry for any bad feelings buddy, nothing intentional meant 😀

    foreleft 2

    @Mark P

    Thought It was just me 🙂

    Digibets 0

    My max was a tenner, does that count asa a gubbing?

    Mr P 0

    I hope not Digibets!,mine was a tenner as well,like Mark P says tho,I think Willys have just hit their liability for the offer.

    I got my bet on just before the game started.

    dingodollar 0

    keep postng @RyanB you are a big contributor to the forums!

    Tony 12

    Well done for posting it Ryan! 27 kudos points to you, Sir 🙂

    I stopped expecting any gratitude on here some time ago mate, suggest you do the same 😉

    Shame I now have to ignore all the WH threads as well as the PP ones 🙁

    Still cheering on Arsenal (today’s acca and my bet for them to win the whole thing @11.0)

    JDUBU 2

    lets hope arsenal can put it out the bag in 2nd half!they have had chances!

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