Apollo/Boyles Sports

  • Hi Everyone,

    Wondered if I could just gauge a bit of opinion from you guys.

    I have had an account with the two bookmakers for about 14-15 months now. As we know the companies are ‘linked’ but how closely. The reason I ask is that Boyles I would like to keep as long as poss (I know a few of you are not big fans) where as Apollo never have offers so not concerned, they do however have loads of arb’s, if I start using Apollo for arbs what’s the chances of being bonus banned at Boyles do we think?

    Thanks in advance for your thoughts

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    Shaun46 1

    You will be banned from both I wouldn’t arb against them also linked to Seannie Mac and Net Bet I believe

    Dockie 4

    I’m not sure about links to NetBet Shaun. Banned from SeanieMac/Appollo/Boyles at the same time in the Autumn, yet the NetBet money train rumbles on for me.

    Shaun46 1

    Hmm I need to look at Netbet again 🙂

    the walnut tree 0

    Mmmmm, thanks Guys, I think that confirms my thoughts, best say away from Arbs on Apollo until bonus banned, hopefully that is not soon if the £40/£20 bonus offers carry on

    Mark 1

    Hi walnut tree, you don’t just get bonus banned,,you won’t be able to place bets at all if you get the dreaded email, at least I can’t even make a single bet without getting the red screen of death.

    RyanB 13

    Think it depends on the bookie, I’m restricted from Paddy but I can still bet on anything even their Price Boots, just not allowed any free bets.

    roly24 11

    I’m in same boat as Mark – no bets allowed on Boyleports but I still get daft e mails with rubbish so called “offers” from appollo. Take whatever bonuses and free bets u can grab from either – unimpressive outfits they are.

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