Bet365 feature 4/1 offer query

  • I just backed the winner of the feature 4/1 race at 5.0 There was a late drop out and the odds were slightly adjusted The bet history says 5.0 but the pay out was only 230 from a 50 stake.

    Does this mean that I no longer qualify for the free bet on the next race? I dont want to ask in support as I dont want to draw any attention to my account.

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    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    beh 7

    It’s after rule 4 reductions I’m afraid, quite unlucky to have a late withdrawal. Check the T&Cs 🙂

    Pickle 57

    Yeah you dont qualify. if you backed it guaranteeing you werent gonna lose you should take a couple of quid loss and back it to win to reduce the loss. Id backed The second also @ 5 with a 5.1 lay so if it won id have lost £9. As it was i put £2 on it in running to negate the loss.

    peck1996 0

    Thanks for explaining. I laid 50 @ 5.3 thinking I had a small arb when the price momentarily moved to 5.5. Unfortunately the price moved back to 5.0 so I just took that knowing I would have a -15 qualifying loss and +45 extraction of the free bet to give me 30 profit.

    The exchange loss on Betdaq was recalculated to -198.39 and only 180 profit on bet365 so that cost me an extra -3.39 on top of not getting the free bet.

    Sucks but never mind, onto the next one 🙂


    I hate these 4/1 offers.

    Pickle 57

    Whys that cashed up? do you not manage to pick the winner very often?. Think ive managed to get 2 this week which was down to luck in picking the ones with lowest qualifying losses rather than any good judgement on my part. I think theyre deffo worth doing if you can get a good match.


    Yes I only win with them about once a fortnight. Compared with the Betfair 3/1 and various MBS where I win several free bets per week usually

    Pickle 57

    Im banned off betfairs offers and ive been useless on the MBS now theyre usually to SP fav so i tend to just do the 365 ones and lay £51.02 on smarkets so it doesnt cost me anything.


    how often do you usually win one?

    Pickle 57

    Just looked at my messages ive had 5 lots of stake returned since the 5th.

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