Betbright £30 risk free bet help for a newbie

  • Alright lads, I’m new to this and just want to find my feet and get used to how things work, I’ve just opened a betbright account which gives me a £30 risk free bet. What is the best way to tackle this??
    I have already wasted one by laying the bet in full as I misread the offer, my back stake won and I was -60p with no free bet. So before I do this next one could someone give me a bit of advice?

  • New to matched betting?

    My Matched Betting Academy is the best place to get started. Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    rcw86 0

    Using the calculator on this blog select risk free bet. The cashback you put in is how much of the free bet you can extract if the initial bet was to lose

    buckolad 0

    Thanks for the reply, I know how to work out the profit from a free bet, but how should I approach the qualifying bet? Do I place my first bet at big or small odds with it being risk free?
    Thanks ?

    DazRolls 0

    Hi, the bigger odds the better but that obviously means you need more in your Betfair account. The way I would do a bet where you only get a free bet if your initial qualifying bet loses (unibet,bet bright etc) is to underlay your qual bet. This link should help,

    buckolad 0

    nice one daz, ill go with that pearl of wisdom, cheers

    alflavor 0

    I would also suggest not going higher than odds of 10 when using the free bet. Above that and it can stand out a bit suss at the bookies.

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