Betfair Racing Special

  • Fairyhouse Double
    Odds : 6.0
    Ball Darc to Win the 14:20 Fairyhouse & Invitation Only to Win the 16:05 Fairyhouse

    Currently laying at 2.36 and 2.32

  • New to matched betting?

    My Matched Betting Academy is the best place to get started. Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    bbobb 21

    Next one is down to 1.37 … should go lower if this one goes in.

    bbobb 21

    Just laid the next at 1.33… risk free shot at £100

    £5 (after commision) up if it loses.

    Mr Crispy 30

    You did better both times then…
    I took 1.37.

    bbobb 21

    Ouch…. I suspect it will go under 1.3 as well but didnt want to risk it.

    Might lay a wee but more if it does.

    bbobb 21

    1.28 and counting… 🙁

    Mr Crispy 30

    It’s paid for my lunch anyway 🙂

    bbobb 21

    Won at a canter…. and a bonus £30 for me from WH on the 2 Clear at 1.3/1.29



    Has this settled for anybody yet?

    Dan 0

    No, I’m still waiting…

    bbobb 21

    What time do these normally appear?

    Nothing in today’s specials yet.


    Isn’t there a lot of potential risk in these specials? If the first horse wins and then the second pulls out of its race you could be hundreds down.

    Am I missing something?

    Mr Crispy 30

    Hobo – I wondered about that and, whether you hit the motherload if the first horse loses and the second withdraws..

    I read the terms and my understanding is that in that scenario they pay at the SP on the other bet, which would most likely not be great… Unless you’re a zen lay master, who has managed to lay at a lower price than the Sportsbook SP..

    MB1979 5

    Carlisle Classic
    Breaking Bits(19:55 Carlisle) & Skip(20:55 Carlisle) Both To WIN

    Laying at 2.34 and 2.06 currently.

    A little profit at the moment but worth keeping an eye on.

    MB1979 5

    Towcester Good Thing Double
    Seelateralligator (18:30) & Bears Affair (20:00) Both To Win

    About break even at the moment on SM, but Befair is lower.

    One to keep an eye on if prices drop.

    MB1979 5

    Hamilton Get Out Double
    Portland Street to Win the 20:40 Hamilton & Sea Of Green to Win the 21:10 Hamilton

    Laying at 2.98 and 2.42 (on Betfair) currently.

    One to keep an eye on.

Viewing 15 replies - 91 through 105 (of 178 total)

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