Boylesports Liverpool/Chelsea

  • Had £25 on the Boylesports enhanced offer for Liverpool and Chelsea to win.
    Layed off Liverpool as per Matts blog.
    I could lay Chelsea off for the guaranteed £30 odd if they win.

    Is there a way to gamble for a bigger profit now on this without making a loss.
    I think Chelsea will win.

  • New to matched betting?

    My Matched Betting Academy is the best place to get started. Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.


    So you are going to win 30 odd is Chelsea win and nothing if they don’t.

    You already have your bet set for without a loss FACTUALLY. So I don’t understand your question. If you think Chelsea will win just leave it and win 30. Only way to win more is bet on Chelsea but thats gambling chuck

    You could probably guarantee like 15 quid whatever the outcome but like you say if you think Chelsea will win why bother

    bfc19 1

    Yeah I’ve been over thinking it.
    Annoyingly I wasn’t going to lay Liverpool either.
    Oh well.

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