Common matched betting mistakes

  • I have been matched betting for 2 years but find I still make mistakes which cost me money.. These mistakes are 99% my fault and caused by either rushing, being disorganised, or not reading the offer properly.

    I thought I had got to a stage where I was minimising my mistakes but I had a mistake-ridden weekend and thought it would be a good idea to post a log of my mistakes as a learning exercise. Please feel free to add any of your own.

    Corals – Bet 20/get 10 on Winter Derby or Betbright Chase. For some reason I placed a qualifying bet on the Lingfield 1.45 ( which won). Cost of mistake £8

    Betsafe – League Cup Final. Bet 25/get 10 free in play. I was having trouble getting the site to change prices from fractions to decimals for my qualifying bet. I input £10 to see the decimal equivalent and then forgot to change the bet to £25 so inadvertantly bet £10 instead of £25. so did not qualify for the free. Cost of mistake £6

    Corals – League Cup Final £10 free bet. Did not confirm my lay on Smarkets, only realised 20 minutes later. Cost of mistake £3

  • New to matched betting?

    My Matched Betting Academy is the best place to get started. Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    mighty 0

    Fuming, put my betfair 1-1 Liverpool v Man City on for the wrong game (put it on the prem game tomorrow). Cost me £56 at the exchange and £60 in free bets! My own fault.

    My tip… Write it down! A To Do List. Found it much easier to write what I need to do on a notepad and then cross it off as I go along including ko. times etc.

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