Coral Account Restricted-anyway back?

  • I mugged bet with them quite a bit but my 7/1 horses refused to lose! I am guessing they have restricted me on being to profitable rather than taking advantage of free bet offers. I only found out I was restricted by trying to taking advantage of price boost on WC qualifiers today. I tried a couple of very smal arbs at £10 and they were accepted.

    My questions

    1. Will the restriction extend to betting the full amount on qulyfying free bet offers?
    2. If I lose (try to anyway) with mug bets, will the restriction be lifted or would I be flogging a dead horse trying?

    Cheers for any advice guys (and girls)

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    anondeplume 0

    Long before I started with the matches betting thing, they restricted me. I let the account sit for a while, started using it again and was no longer restricted. So all might not be lost. I hit a string of winners with them the other day myself so looking over my shoulder with them!

    orlandosteve 2

    Thanks for the reply.

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