Could We Emulate Extra Place Races with Betfairs Extra Place Options

  • I’ve had recent success with extra place races.

    I’ve been wondering could be emulate them with the extra place options on Betfair. For example:

    There was a race tonight where the:
    -bet odds of a horse finishing top 3 was 1.63
    -lay odds of the same horse finishing top 2 was 2.22

    For the race to be profitable the horse must finish in position 3, any other position is a loss pretty much.

    If betting £10 the ideal bets and lays would be:
    -bet £10 on 1.63
    -lay £7.41 on 2.22

    From this arrangement:
    -position 3 would get me £13.56
    -any position other than 3 would get me -£2.74

    These two numbers divide into each other 4.95 times. That means the arrangement would have to win at least once every five races to break even.

    Lets see what the odds of a successful outcome are according to the official odds:
    -for the bet its simple, 1.63 is the odds of a favourable outcome
    -for the lay I think its the reciprical of the lay odds of 2.22 (which is 1.45 approx.)

    The odds of both outcomes is them multiplied so:

    So I should expect to have a favourable result every 2.36 races.

    I’m pretty sure this whole theory is incorrect. Though I cant figure out how and its been bugging me. Anyone know where I’ve done my math wrong?

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    hydro 0

    Hmm, the more I think about it the more this makes sense, just need to get close odds on the bet and lay markets (the hard part) and I’d say it could be possible to make a killing on this. Remember me when you’re all rich folks or forget this all if I’ve done goofed and mathed wrongly.

    hydro 0

    Ah found my error. Way to confusing to describe its origin

    MarkCorrigan 9

    If the odds for top 2 are 1.63 (implies 61.3% chance) and top 3 are 2.22 (implies 45.0% chance), then the probability of finishing third is 16.3% (0.613 – 0.450). i.e. the odds should be roughly 6.13.

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