Each way / extra place betting on golf

  • Hi,

    I tried doing the extra place stuff on the horses but nearer the race time the odds were changing all I’ve place. Too quick for me to place bets.

    However I thought I could try it with the golf. Some bookies have 8 places so 3 extra ones. I can get a few odds fairly close (place odds are a little ropey) but I am losing around £2 for a £15ish profit (maybe up to £20) if the player finishes in those 3 extra places.

    Anyway, my questions, what kind of loss should I be looking for on the initial bet? Losing £2 to win £15 doesn’t sound great. Am I doing something wrong?

    Thanks in advance for any advice

  • New to matched betting?

    My Matched Betting Academy is the best place to get started. Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.


    Hi @mikejv1986.

    I always like to work out the effective odds I’m getting and then gauge whether I feel those odds are greater than the chances of the player finishing in those specific places.

    So, if you’re risking £2.00 to make a profit of £15.00, you’re getting effective odds of 8.50 (£15.00 / £2.00 + 1.00).

    Those odds probably aren’t high enough on this occasion, so it’s all about perseverance and finding another option, ideally not one of the tournament favourites.

    The opportunities for golf aren’t as plentiful as horse racing. The four Major tournaments (The Masters, US Open, The Open, US PGA) usually present the best extra place opportunities.

    Hope that helps!

    Mikejv1986 1

    Thanks Matt. I thought it probably wasn’t worth it. I just thought maybe I was doing something wrong!

    I have tried horse racing but I find the market can move so quickly that before I have placed everything, the odds have changed. I don’t want to be left with part of the bet not being matched.

    Is there anyway I can do this better/quicker?


    You can often find some extra place opportunities well in advance of the race starting, when the odds are more static.

    Weekend’s and the big festivals tend to present a lot more opportunities than regular weekday’s. Maybe take a look tomorrow (Saturday) and see how you get on.

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