EURO 2016 offers…

  • Just an idea but not sure if it is worth the hassle.
    How about if we would ask Matt to create separate forum for all the EURO 2016 offers? Something like Cheltenham and only for a month (do not think we will need to keep it on the main page afterwards).
    This would help to keep all the offers on one place.
    The only thing is I am not sure what to expect. Will it be promo busy period or not. Hard to say as this event is taking place every 4 years so do not know if anyone here would remember how it was in the past…
    It look like some bookies have gone very quiet so maybe they are keeping their extras for this major footie event.
    What do you guys think?

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    Tony 12

    Good idea, can imagine that there will be a fair few offers over the course of the tournament, so having them all in one place would be handy.

    Thread “reported” so that hopefully Matt sees this. Perhaps you could shift the Cheltenham board to the bottom of the list if you are making changes anyway, Matt?


    78naD 2

    Good idea.

    Even the Cheltenham thread name could just be changed for a few months… put everything in there then


    What about royal Ascot tho?

    Cheltenham of the flat isn’t it!


    Euro 2016 forum is now live!

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