Fred/Tote boost – Germany Evs – £100 max

  • Live now. £200 across both bookies

    1.71 lay for a guaranteed £32

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    My Matched Betting Academy is the best place to get started. Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Steely 1

    What boost is this on tote?

    RyanB 11

    its not called a bonus hour for no reason 😉

    foreleft 2

    lol I didn’t realise it was bonus hour 🙂

    Anto 1

    Thanks for this buddy, great spot.

    Got on with both accounts at each bookie for £31 at each. I owe you a pint sir!

    feltt1p 5

    Bah, need some kind of alert system when time restrictive offers pop up. Can’t spend all my time refreshing the screen, it was an extended hour so should’ve still been available before 11. Just hit their liability I guess.

    sljones86 0

    31 on each ? How??

    Anto 1

    £31 AT each 😉

    £15.39 i think it was. So doubled up (2 accounts = £31) then done at both Betfred and Tote = £62 😉

    Starlord 1

    Nah, betfred/tote boosts are like clockwork. You just gotta know when to look. 9:30am on a weekend check their twitter feed or the price boost section of the app. Sometimes you can see which market will contain a boost before it goes live.

    El chico 1

    Ach well …I was happy to sleep like a baby through to 11 … don’t let anything ruin my relaxed Saturday lie in

    Chris 19

    Disappointed the lay odds have drifted, really thought they would come in especially when our team was announced. Guess I should just settle for the smaller profit now though.

    SammyR 0

    Yes it’s either that or wait until the game starts and see what happens with the lay odds but think it’s too much of a risk depending on how much you’ve staked

    I nearly waited for the lay odds to get shorter as I thought they would too as the day went on but now glad that I settled for 1.72, my guaranteed profit is only £15 due to what I’ve staked but hey ho not bad at all for a few minutes work

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