Free bet or risk free bet?

  • I have a question.

    How do you determine if an offer is a free bet on the calculator or a risk free bet?

    What is the difference please?

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    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    deathstar 25

    it depends what the offer actually is, but generally a free bet is usually a straight “bet x get x” type of scenario where you would get a free bet and the bookie keeps the stake (stake not returned). with this, you calculate using the full amount of the stake.

    risk free is used to describe things like “free bet if you lose”, so you need to take into account the possibility of winning. With these, you use the risk free part of the calculator to enter 80%(ish) of the stake so that you profit whether you win or lose.


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