Gubbed from Betfair sportsbook

  • Seems I got too lucky on the winning horses free bets. 🙁

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    RyanB 11

    How many did you win Slim Jim? I’ve had a couple of horse free bets 3/1 SP winner and quite a lot of the correct score free bets probably over £200+ in total. Guess you must have been unlucky, ah well happens!

    Slim Jim 0

    Won three in a row. Ah well.

    Ice Magic 3

    I find that so offensive. They put on a promo and then ban you as you placed some bets with them which is exactly what the promo was designed to entice you to do.
    What an absolte joke this industry is

    Tony 12

    You’re invincible Ryan 😛

    RyanB 11

    Wonder if it has anything to do with your internet etc that thread someone did regarding iesnare or something? Never had any of that…and well I have lost Boylesport/Winner/Betway & Paddy (not their power prices mind you) !

    FoG_BLoG 47

    I like being gubbed in a way. Nothing feels better than clearing out a big balance from a bookie.

    It’s like a badge of honour too, I’ve been restricted from Paddy/Betway/Betfred & 888sport. I think Matt should print out merit badges and mail them out to us!

    Anyway I’ve never run out of offers to do yet. But really only been grabbing bonuses since May 2015 and really just upped my game since December 2015 when I opened a bunch of bookie’s. May to Nov I had just stuck with Paddy and not much else.

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