
  • Hi guys got 105 sat in net bet needs to be rolled over to withdraw do i just use the risk free calculator when betting

    so bet with net bet and lay with smarkets or betfair?


  • New to matched betting?

    My Matched Betting Academy is the best place to get started. Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    beh 7

    If you’re looking to meet a wager requirement, use the calculator for a “qualifying bet”.

    Familiarise yourself with the T&Cs first.

    STC 4

    Yes.. Your looking to get back/lay odds as close as possible to minimise how much you lose each bet whilst completing the roll over requirements.

    I would also lay longer odds (ie selections I dont think will win) to try and empty the netbet account. It’s usually quicker (and saves money) to do this than to complete the rollover requirements.

    Trust that makes sense.


    Only just started doing this but use odds monkey for odds matches. I’ve found the free 30min out of date one suff cent so far

    Lutydan 0

    Thanks STC thats what im after but which calculator should i use?

    crtnycrk 0

    I would love to know the answer to Lutydan’s question as well!

    Shaun46 1

    I would personally lay with Smarkets as there is only a 2% commission rate as opposed to Betfair’s 5% commission.

    Coco Popo 0

    It’s the Normal or Qualifier you want to use.
    Most of the Netbet bonus requires 1.6+ on the odds.

    Think of it as real money that you now need to gamble before withdrawing.

    For me the type of bet depends on the WR you need to meet. If it is high and your balance is low go for high odds. But if your balance is high already then low odds may be preferable as you will have a far lower liability.

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