just lost £179 gutted

  • hi all
    1st post on here and pretty new to all this but just lost £179 with the racebet opening offer through rushing.
    i backed a horse but layed against a different one.

    absolutely gutted

  • New to matched betting?

    My Matched Betting Academy is the best place to get started. Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Dave_Jones 7

    Sorry to hear that groggy, this has not happened to me yet but nearly has a couple of times. Did the two horses have similar names, that’s what nearly caught me out.

    I think its quite easy to make mistakes like this when you first start, but also after you have been doing it a while complacency can set in and mistakes once again can slip in if your not careful.

    eyeballchris 0

    Least you have the opportunity to make it back! Take your time, start off with football bets the night before, less versatile odds and write everything down. Don’t click confirm bet till your sure everything is right, horse racing is a quick way to do turn over but I personally feel there is more pressure as you try to get the bet on before the odds drift.

    sleepless 8

    Tough luck.
    My common mistake is to lay the liability as the lay stake on low odds, where £ amounts are similar.
    Not as drastic loss as yours though.

    albatross 3

    I lost £450 just before the euros due to my on stupidity but, if you put on a lot of bets, then it’s going to happen at times. Human error unavoidable, particularly in a house with young kids running about. Need to take it on the chin.

    Since I got into this in January, I’ve made ten time more than I ever expected but reckon that would be about £1k more if it wasn’t for mistakes and naivety in my early weeks. I also got gubbed quite quickly on a couple of accounts that I didn’t hit as hard as I should have.

    groggy 0

    To make matters worse i backeda horse at 15 with my 50 bonus buttheidds changed drasticaly on smarkets and there is no money on it now in the exchange 🙁

    Tony 12

    Has the horse been withdrawn, perhaps? Highly unusual for there to be absolutely no money for it on the exchange if it is still a listed runner

    If it has been withdrawn you will need to check the T&Cs of your bonus provider to see if you get that stake back

    groggy 0

    £5 on it at 24 now ?

    Tony 12

    What horse is it and what race is it in?

    Tony 12

    Also, how did you arrive at the decision to back that particular horse?

    Was it listed on some oddsmatching tool somewhere?

    Did you look at the exchange BEFORE placing your back bet to check how much liquidity there was on the race/horse?

    I don’t want to sound harsh, but you have to get the fundamentals right. Also, if you are new to all this then Racebets is not the kind of bookie that you want to start out with – apparently they have a tendency to restrict your stakes after one or two bets, with much WR still to complete.

    Slow down, do some reading and ask questions if you need to. The novelty of all this supposed “easy money” can seem so exciting that you jump right in, but honestly you will avoid losing money if you just take your time 🙂

    groggy 0

    Ali bin nayef
    1500 yarmouth

    Pavlon 3

    Also sorry to hear that, groggy. Mistakes like this are more common for those new to the game. It’s easy for people to come on here and go away thinking this whole thing is easy and completely risk free. It isn’t. So it’s really good when people like you post a loss, just to make people aware. I wish more people had the humility to do it. Personally I’ve made three errors (that I’m aware of), but each time the result fell in my favour, resulting in me making just over £500 from stupid mistakes. The last was just two weeks ago when I was rolling £100 and backed over 2.5 goals in the ARSvLIV match at 2.0, and then layed the under 2.5 market accidentally. Fortunately there were seven goals, and I made £197.50 profit, but it could so easily have gone the other way. Trick is that now I need to remember these accidental wins when I do eventually (inevitably) make a loss from an error.

    If I was you I’d start with the football betting, and then move onto horses when you’re confident on Smarkets.

    groggy 0

    The price was to back 15 and to lay at 15.5 and there was (i think) £56 in smarkets just before i went to lay it.
    I get the very basics and done a lot of the simple offers but had a few weeks away

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