Ladbrokes/Coral darts boosts

  • Both Ladbrokes and coral have price boosts on Lewis and Anderson to win and van Gerwen to win 4-0 at the moment.

    Ladbrokes is 5 and coral 4.33.

    Taking the ladbrokes as an example it’s possible to back both of Lewis and Anderson opponents at 6.4 presently and lay 4-0 in the van Gerwen match at around 3.05.

    Which would give a small profit if layed normally or around 20 if underlying and hoping for a 4-0 van gerwen win.

    Assuming no odds changes before the offs.

    I’ll be monitoring and employing a similar tactic that Dash explained earlier and laying in play. Here’s hoping for a profitable evening.

    If you follow the darts you may be tempted to let the first 2 ride as Lewis and Anderson are nailed on favorites however anyone who watched the Taylor match last night will know the he was shaky in the first 3 legs it could have been a different story!

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    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    DashBet 0

    I’m taking the Ladbrokes one only as I don’t have enough available funds for both, max £50 bet. Very tempted to let Lewis bet ride, however I will be opposing Gary Anderson as he has been known to get in a pickle with early round lesser opponents. Then green completely on MvG 4-0 as I think Barney will test him. Looking for about £15-£20 on this.

    Another offer is Lewis/Anderson/MvG all to get most 180s with Betfair – 13/8 (was 7/4 but they shortened it, the Cowboys) Lewis 1.18 lay in the first of the treble, playing the other two by feel, max £25.

    Tony S 7

    MvG is a nightmare for switching on the 180’s so I might leave the latter offer

    Drogs 0

    If we were to back both opponents of Anderson and Lewis at around £9 each, this would just about cover our £50 stake if one of the favourites lost. Then underlaying MvG 4-0 to cover our £50 stake plus the £18 loss at current odds of 3.35 has a liability of around £180. Which added to the 18 loss means there is no profit on the £200 profit.

    So am I right in saying at current odds there is no profit in this and we need to wait and see if MvG to win 4-0 drops? Or am I missing something?

    Tony S 7

    You’re counting the £18 loss twice?

    Drogs 0

    I wondered if I had done that, but whether MvG wins 4-0 or not, we still lose that £18 from the previous bets so I think thats right

    Drogs 0

    If the odds of 4-0 were at 3.05 like when this was posted, there would be profit in it so I think that’s what it is

    Tony S 7

    Yeah but you’re including the £50 plus the £18 in the underlay of MvG for a liability of £180… There’s no need to add the £18 again to make £198

    So it’s £200 – £180 = £20 in the green?

    Drogs 0

    Yeah thats including it incase it loses… but if MvG wins 4-0 I will win £200 and lose £180 purely on the lay bet and £18 on the back bets from earlier

    DashBet 0

    The way I’m doing this is to cover half the liability initially on Lewis ie. pre-match £5 back at 6.6 on Suljovic then assess in-play. Should Lewis win I’m doing the same for Anderson.

    Mark 1

    I’m doing the same as Dash, letting lewis ride and startimg with Anderson. Fingers crossed!

    DashBet 0

    1st set, laying another £10 off Lewis liability

    Mark 1

    Well that was well worth doing. Managed to get my full lay in at 2.6 on 4-0 and haven’t tolled up yet but I think that’s around £30 profit so happy with that! Hope everyone else made a profit!

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