Mug betting?
Would placing bets on a bookmaker and then laying them on an exchange be a good way to ‘mug bet’ and hopefully tricking the bookmakers. Or is the idea of mug betting completely wrong to start with?
+0January 4, 2016 at 7:02 pm
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Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.
It is debatable whether mug betting actually helps – some swear by it where others stick to offers only and have never been banned, the truth is no one knows exactly how the bookmakers decide who to restrict.
If you wish to mug bet in the hope of preventing your accounts being restricted what you suggested is a perfectly good way to do it. Alternatively you can use other bookmakers to ‘lay’ bets as part of guaranteeing profit from offers on other sites – a good example of this is the bet365 offers which are posted on this blog, where one outcome is backed at another bookie – as far as this bookie is concerned you have placed a ‘mug bet’ and you haven’t made any additional losses trying to make your account seem genuine.
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