Need informations about bet365 new customer possible profit

  • Hi guys , totally new here. Im wondering something about bet365 deposit bonus using matched betting. I can see there is a 200 GPB offer bonus for new customer. Do you have any ideas how much could be left of that after wagering 3 times deposit/bonus amount ? ( 1200 GPB ) . thanks a lot

  • New to matched betting?

    My Matched Betting Academy is the best place to get started. Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    FoG_BLoG 47

    You can do it two ways.

    1. Find close matches on odds and roll over your your depost and bonus as normal.

    For example back £100 @ 2.4 for Real Madrid in CL final. Lay £95.24 @ 2.54 – this gives a £6.67 Qualifying Loss (Check Matt’s calculator on this site to calculate the lay stake and qualifying loss). You will have to do something like this 12 times to work through your requirements so losing £80 out of your £200 bonus. Leaving £120 profit. You can play with your stake depending on how fast you want to bet through it, or depending on your exchange float.

    You might get lucky and lose your first 4 bets on Bet365 so you don’t have to bet any more and you have only lost 4 times roughly £7. For this reason some ppl prefer to underlay so that if you win at the bookie its less convenient but more profitable.

    In this example I went for a big game (blend in with the normal bettor). You could probably get much closer back and lay odds for much smaller qualifying loss by using some odds comparison website – but it will look dodgy if you are putting 100’s on obscure teams/leagues.

    2. Use the bonus to make more money.

    Bet365 has the 4/1+ offer, two horse races 6 days per week and about 6 I guess on Saturday. You can rollover £50 on each race, so you can rollover 18 * 50 = £900 per week. Which means that you can go through the sign up requirements in less than 2 weeks. Each race you can guarantee about £2-£3 profit. Instead of making a loss rolling over the bonus you will make a profit of at least £2 times 24 races = £48.

    deathstar 25

    that should be made into a sticky Fog!

    Slyou333 0

    wow thank you very much for your very detailed answer. I couldnt dream of better 🙂
    So with the second option it will took longer but im guaranted to win 248 £ total ? Thats pretty amazing !

    FoG_BLoG 47

    Yeah, you should be able to guarantee £248 at least. Depends on how you play the 4/1+ offer. Some ppl back and lay for qualifying loss to try and hit a £50 free bet – so that could cause some variance but should average out about the same. But you can over lay slightly so that if the horse doesn’t win you win a couple of extra pound in the exchange. If he wins you obviously pay out more on the lay side but will recoup that plus just a couple of pound by extracting value from the free bet when he wins.

    There is quite a bit of looking at odds and waiting for them to move close enough. You’re looking for horse to back and lay 5.0/5.2 or 6.0/6.2 or 7.0/7.2, something like that. Probably easier at the weekend when the exchange is hopping – but that’s fine because you have a couple of months to complete the rollover.

    Slyou333 0

    i see ! everything is clear. Thanks for your time 🙂

    deathstar 25

    don’t forget you’ll need more than £1200 in your exchange if you go down that route.

    Also don’t forget that you can get another £50 bonus when you do the “on the move” bonus as well, but that’s for after the rollover is complete.

    FoG_BLoG 47

    Some more info here on this thread about this bonus, page 3.. Patrick puts up a strategy which you lose very little rolling it over looking for football odds close like 1.5/1.525 if you can find them.

    Do a search because there are threads on this every week ….. you will find lots of debate and opinions.

    Slyou333 0

    thanks for infos 🙂

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