Restricted sky bet

  • My wife has just got restricted from sky bet,:) no free bet credited for the MB 2nd/3rd. No email so keep an eye out

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    RyanB 11

    Just because she hasn’t had the free bet doesn’t necessarily mean its a restriction? Just query this on chat to make sure first..? It could just be a mistake unless you know for definite.

    JDUBU 2

    iv not heard of sky restricting anyone yet?same with will hill. Keep us updated on the outcome

    STC 4

    yup, not heard of skybet restricting either. Double check the bet & t&c and then speak to customer serv.

    it could be due to betting from same household tho.

    keep us updated.

    Dockie 4

    There is someone who’s restricted. Me!! Was restricted back in the summer when I was young and foolish, arbing every day. However my wife has an account and is making (me) lots and lots.

    kjillman 1

    sorry already checked for her with live chat,restricted in as no more free bet offers -usual trading decision. I did post on here yesterday about a facebook forum where’s loads have been restricted on the 7th Jan. gutted for her but checking her acc history she’s blinking lucky.loads of wins! Only mine left now.

    kjillman 1

    sky are happy to have partner friendly same household accounts if different debit card etc/banking details

    beesty2016 3

    JW I am restricted on Will Hill from any horse racing offers. Luckily I am allowed to do the accumulators. What frustrates me is the way the websites exploit your weaknesses. Sometimes I have a little punt on the slots and suddenly they give me offer for this left right and centre but not on the horses!

    I would love a law to be put in as what we do is highly skilful and they do not like our edge!

    JDUBU 2

    hm yeah i agree. Sorry to hear about your restriction I’m praying i don’t ever get restricted!

    beesty2016 3

    It’s alright! One of those things and still in the game with enough accounts to continue the betting journey.

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