Rollover extraction

  • I’ve been thinking over this and I’m questioning it as it seems too good to work out.
    I’ve registered to bet at home. Deposited £40 for £20 bonus which I have to rollover £300 with.
    I currently have funds of £417 (only rolled over £187) with bet at home after having laid £71 and £297 at an exchange in two bets.
    Now the bit I’m struggling to believe. If i find odds to match at around 3.5 and the lay at the exchange wins. Will I have made a profit of £1000?
    I’d end up with £1430 after commission in the exchange after only depositing £40 on the betting site and £368 at the exchange. So I’m £1022 up?

    Surely I’m missing something incredibly obvious here?

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    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Coco Popo 0

    Yes, the piece you are missing is that by betting and laying you aren’t actually generating money. You are merely moving it from one account to another (to meet the rollover). So the rollover required goes down, but your total funds would be the same.
    Unless the bets are Arbs, Promos or similar your total amount should stay roughly the same.

    For such a big roll over you need to find really good matches otherwise you won’t make any money at all. The bonus of £20 with such a high rollover is hard work, unless you had lost your first bet and immediately had the cash in your exchange account.

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