Searching for Bets

  • Hi there, i came across your free site the other day and was quite impressed by the amount of detail in it. My question is how do you find the bets in the bookies and at the exchange? I saw on Profit Accumulator that they have some software that can find you matches, clearly this is why they have people paying for it as well.

  • New to matched betting?

    My Matched Betting Academy is the best place to get started. Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    deathstar 25

    welcome mthescorpion.
    I usually just search manually, although it is an artform and you get better with practice. it depends what you are looking for really, football is quite easy but obviously there isn’t any about at the moment.
    I use oddsmonkey for horses, which Profit Accumulator certainly used to use I’m not sure now, they fell out a while ago.
    bit more info here


    mthescorpion 0

    Hi deathstar, thanks for the quick reply. Just had a look at oddsmonkey and certainly seems quite good as horse racing refunds is def where the money is after the free offers dry up.

    I am currently 2 weeks in with £300 of clear profit although not doing anything at the weekend so far and i had a few accounts open already so couldnt get those bonuses but ok for a start, this hs def given me an idea, thanks again.

    deathstar 25

    definitely worth getting some practice in with the horses, its goodwood coming up. have a look through the Cheltenham thread at the top of the forum for some pointers.
    Good luck

    deathstar 25

    thanks for the spam

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