Sky Saturday boost – Chelsea, City and Southampton to win 5.5

  • Boosted to 5.5, current lay 4.9

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    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Tony 12

    Cheers for this. I note that HUGE influx of money for 5.0 odds has taken hold (where does all this come from – bookies?)

    So at the current lay it’s £1.12 for the straight match, or £5.80 for the full underlay

    Might hold off until nearer KO to see if that lay price comes down I think

    Drogs 0

    Tony, is your max 20? Mine is 27.50 so taking 25

    Pickle 57

    Thing with leaving these offers is they can get pulled if they take their limit of bets so maybe better get on while you can.

    78naD 2

    Sky’s enhancements usually seem to stick until kick off time.

    chris85 0

    Ive looked around how to lay this on betfair but i have no idea how to lay multiples that all start at the same time, any help would be appreciated.

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