So long and Farewell…

  • Newcastle United

    I’m sure to many you’ll be missed…

    But for me personally I hope you do a Pompey and are never seen again ?

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    You sound very bitter Tony S, Geordie fans some of the best.

    Tony 12

    Haha! Classy mate, just like that banner your lot stumped up £900 to fly over SJP this afternoon 😉

    Still, at least my club didn’t harbour a nonce who contributed to games where points were won that kept us up 😀




    Tony S 6

    Isn’t Cissé married to a 13 year old? lol!…

    Haha Rafa the Gaffa!!

    In all seriousness tho, under Ashley’s regime I can’t see him stayin like

    Tony 12

    Dunno, today’s result and the crowd reaction might help. The only chance of him staying is if Ashley and co hand over the reigns to everything, both on and off the pitch.

    Without him, which madman would take that job? I honestly think Rafa staying it not could be the differ nice between coming straight back up (convincingly) and doing a Pompey, as you put it.

    – Google Adam Johnson 😉

    Tony S 6

    Patrick what you’ve gotta understand is most of the hostility between Sunderland and Newcastle fans is just banter… There’s been so little success in the North East of England in recent years that getting one up on your rivals is now a pretty big thing, there isn’t 10 clubs dotted within a 20 mile radius here… There’s two, and you’re brought up supporting one of them, for me Sunderland like my dad and his dad before him!… Newcastle of late have had the shitty stick of it with the Derby losses and now relegation but I’m under no illusion our time will again come!… For Newcastle it’s time to lick their wounds and rebuild… and they will just as they have before!… We’ll cross paths again and I fear it’ll be sooner rather than later!

    Pickle 57

    Thats one hell of a climbdown Tony S. Where i live theres two local semi professional Rugby league teams. I would like nothing better than one of them to totally go to the wall.

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