Tote Jackpot

  • Was chatting to someone the other day about what we do here and he mentioned that he bets on the tote place pot. This is mug betting for sure. But it got me thinking about the big money available on the tote jackpot. It rolls over if not won so there can potentially be a very high return per £1 staked; far higher than what you would get if you placed it on an accumulator. At the moment, there is 56k rolled over from Sunday that will be added to the pool today. The only issue is that you can’t be sure what odds you will get before you place your bets.

    Im wondering whether it would be worth putting £1 on some selection and overlaying each race slightly at the exchange until i lose. Chances are i will win at the exchange far more often than i win the jackpot lol.

    Has anyone done anything like this?

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    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    beesty2016 3

    What about if the jackpot was split??? Not too sure how it works but seems like you would need a lot of liability

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