Unibet bonus

  • With the unibet offer, you only get a £30 bonus if your first bet loses so is the strategy to go for an unlikely result and hope it loses? But then the loss would be big if it won and I placed it as a matched bet. What’s the strategy?

  • New to matched betting?

    My Matched Betting Academy is the best place to get started. Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    God 0

    No, this is classed as a risk-free bet so go to the calculator: https://matchedbettingblog.com/matched-betting-calculator/#.V3reQrgrKUk

    Select ‘Risk-Free bet’ and then enter your odds to calculate how much money you will win regardless of the result.

    Tony 12

    Sage advice, but it’s better that you understand how this works.

    Using the risk free setting and entering the amount of your free bet that you expect to extract (should it come to that) will lead to you Underlaying the qualifying bet.

    This means that you will make more profit than you lose on your lay bet, in the event that the qualifier bet wins.

    Alternatively, if the qualifier bet loses you will have made a net loss on it, but with he safety net of the risk free bet to fall back on.

    All the calculator is doing is balancing these 2 outcomes so that you pocket the same net profit regardless.

    Depending on the bookie it is advisable to use an expected extraction of 80% of the free bet.

    HTH 🙂

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