What about trading/scalping?

  • So i have been matched betting the last year and it is a nice profit, the only way to make money online i guess..
    have no knowledge about sports and i don’t really care about it. Well i care about cycling but well..

    Did some research on different kind of markets out there to make money and i found the trading (on exchanges) and i even invested some time but all i got was a really big frustration.
    I was posting on some of the trading forums but they pretty much tell you that nobody will tell you how to do it.
    Didn’t see where there were any edge. and i really not intrested in gambling. I am not a gambler at all.. So i just quitted and closed down this idea of trading on the exchange.
    But thought about it again this week.
    And if it sound too good to be true..

    So is it a big scam or is it really true?

    Kind Regards

  • New to matched betting?

    My Matched Betting Academy is the best place to get started. Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    MarkCorrigan 9

    I’m not really sure of your question? You’re asking whether it is possible to make an income from trading? There are plenty of traders making a living on Betfair. But in reality, it only makes sense to day-trade financial markets. The advice you were given on those forums is correct – the only people who are willing to teach trading are unable to trade themselves (at least sufficiently profitably).

    Moreover, don’t fool yourself into thinking trading any exchanges (including financial markets) is an easy income. It’s a zero-sum game after all, and you’re competing against other traders and the spread/commission/market makers.

    GandalfSWE 0

    Thanks very much.

    My opinion about the financial market is as Eugene Fama. Its all about luck.

    So i guess i have to call it scam

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