Whatsapp Group?

  • How about a whatsapp group? That way people would be able to pickup notifications of offers etc instantly.

    Just a suggestion.

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    Pedro 0

    Just a thought… Maybe I am being a bit paranoid but posting your number in here could be a risk of getting a ban if it’s associated with an account.

    thomasannand 4

    Who else is up for this?

    What do you reckon Matt?

    Cyber Hustler 1

    Great idea thomasannand.
    Nothing worse than spotting a juicy offer after its already kicked off or been withdrawn.

    JDUBU 3

    yes i would def be up for this….great idea!

    78naD 2

    A good idea, I wouldn’t have missed that Will Hill enhanced offer this morning if we had an IM group too

    ianhod 0

    Me too, I’m too late quite regularly

    Dockie 4

    Definitely up for it!

    Mr P 0

    I’m up for that too,great idea 🙂


    Hi Guys,

    I’ve deleted some comments regarding the proposed WhatsApp group. I haven’t done this because I don’t think it’s a good idea, I’ve done it because it’s not what I hoped the forum would be used for. The forum is intended for people to discuss offers and share their views on all things matched betting in the hope that we can build an online matched betting community. Please don’t use the forum to promote alternative options.



    perrybhoy 0

    Yep I agree with Matt

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