William Hill Boosts

  • So Bill has announced their boosts that’ll drop at half 8 in the morning:

    1:30 – 4/1 Melon

    4:10 – 4/1 Vroum Vroum Mag

    I’m wondering if these boosts will a) qualify for the Hi5 and b) will the amount we can put on be limited.

    If I knew b) I could lay now but I am usually limited to a couple of quid on their boosts.

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    sleepless 8

    whaere are you seeing these anon

    anondeplume 0

    They have a message inbox on the app

    Griffin94 0

    Usually their price boosts have a max stake of £20 meaning you can make around £2 on the exchange

    Chris 19

    And to be fair, they are pretty piss poor boosts.

    anondeplume 0

    Yeah, I was more interested in if they qualify for hi5 to guarantee a nice low QL.

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