William Hill Bore Draw

  • Middlesbrough 1 – 0 7/7.2
    £2.23 loss assume £40 from free bet = £37.77.
    Gives us effective odds of 16/1 for the 0-0.
    Current odds around 6/1 = profitable in the long run.

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    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    RyanB 11

    Oh I know I was just saying people do that, as obviously it would have been a cock up on your part if you hadn’t laid at the end as losing a £25 free bet is technically losing out on £20 profit but yeah glad you laid it at the end.

    bfc19 1

    I like how people constantly question what others have actually done. Like it makes any impact to them.

    Best thing is to just look after yourself.

    RyanB 11

    Yup just simply asked the question as I have seen many people on here go ahhh lucky I laid it etc when sometimes its like yeeeee did you really. But anyway we cleared that up, so you didn’t have to comment as like you say makes no impact to you

    bfc19 1

    Why always you Ryan. Why always you.

    ADG89 1

    Do William run this offer on all televised matches?

    I’ve seen this before on Champs league but I didn’t see anything advertised about this today and I was on their site quite a bit today!

    RyanB 11

    As far as I am aware its on every match, its not really advertised on their site as its an on going promotion available all the time. Just look at the promotion section, they also have their ‘2nd Chance’ Promo which can always be quite profitable. Also note bet365 & betstars also offer the bore draw promo however, slightly different terms etc.

    ADG89 1

    Cheers mate.

    beesty2016 3

    New v sun get on it quick 1-1 back 7 lay 7 on will hill

    RyanB 11

    lol just made a new thread just before you commented and now this is bumped up as well haha whoops!

    beesty2016 3

    Haha I thought you would be on it. I’m just deciding in the next 15 mins whether to have a controlled punt on it after the slots win earlier. 1-1 is such a lovely scoreline. Potential opportunity later on to get out.

    RyanB 11

    Yup was watching it for a while waiting, odds now 6.8 so 59 qualifying profit be stupid not to do it now people.

    beesty2016 3

    Yeah agreed I’ve decided not to take a controlled punt as its a free shot at 50 quid albeit a 10 percent one that will grow!

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