William Hill Bore Draw

  • Newcastle v Sunderland
    1-1 7/7
    £50 stake is a 86p qualifying loss
    Assume £40 from the £50 free bet = profit of £39.14. This gives effective odds of 0-0 of 44/1 well in excess of the current 9/1 odds.

  • New to matched betting?

    My Matched Betting Academy is the best place to get started. Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    beesty2016 3

    And well avoided!

    beesty2016 3

    One to keep an eye on 7.45 ac Milan v lazio 1-1 back 7 one more tick from the lay getting to 7.2 am queuing some money up to have a go. Quali loss will be around 2 quid

    RyanB 11

    Dont really like to do a £2 loss regardless of its profitable long term

    beesty2016 3

    Fair play if it goes through I see it as a double odds punt at 0-0 which is currently 8/1.

    beesty2016 3

    For those who find this amusing I did get my match in the end for 2 quid qualifying loss on the 1-1. Just like earlier final score 1-1 so another 6/1 wins in WH.

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