William Hill – Chase the Bunny. Help with strategy?

  • Need some help on this one (its an australian promo, but more of a theoretical question anyway).

    Here’s the promo details.

    “Place a bet on any qualifying greyhound race this Monday (09/05/2016) and receive $1 cash (up to the amount of your stake) per multiplier of the box numbers of 2nd and 3rd places when your selection wins.
    Example: Place a $50 win bet on the competitor running from box number 2. If the outcome of the race (box number) is 2, 4 & 8, you will receive your winnings for box 2 and an additional $32 in cash (4 x 8 = $32).
    Extra cash capped at your stake amount; First fixed odds bet only; Single win bets only; One bet per race per client; “

    First what is your strategy and is it working? I’ve had a couple of crack and been down both times. (variance? possibly).

    What is the best bet size ? and should this vary as to the number of your dog? ie if your backing dog one then the multiplier/bonus is likely to be higher than if you back dog 8.

    I think this one is for mathematicians!


  • New to matched betting?

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    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    pbetts 2

    Not a new offer ???

    dingodollar 8

    Here is my pro tip

    Back and lay a dog to win

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