William Hill Euro 2016 enhancement: Lukaku to be Top Scorer

  • Lukaka as top scorer for 39. Could be laid for 28 at the moment.

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    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    karlito 0

    I am not sure if you are correct, but I think that the 39 you are talking about is in the “Winner/Top Goalscorer” market, while the odds of 28 are in the “Top Goalscorer” only market, re-check for your own sake.

    kjillman 1

    why would you want all that money tied up now when you can’t get to it for 3 months

    karlito 0

    and anyways that is on the outright market, I am quite sure you do not want €100’s locked until the Euro 2016 finishes for some small profit compared to the locked amount at the exchange…

    Dbb 3

    its an enhancement on main page, i did take a look and its up to 48 now, no liquidity on betfair though and to extract anything would take a huge liability tied up for ages

    feltt1p 5

    Eh? What are you lot above chatting about? The odds are now 48.0 for Lukaku to be top Euro 2016 goalscorer. Nothing more or less. Betfair have a top goalscorer market (no lay available) but current back is 20.0. Fantastic shout, thanks OP.

    Funnily enough, it seems the odds are account dependent…

    Tony S 6

    Bet suspended

    Char 0

    Sorry it was suppose to be 49 in the first post felttlp. It is up to you guys. It is still a good enhancement. Its better value than have the money in a bank account!

    Chris 19

    Its Lukaku top scorer and Belgium to win the tournament though

    SammyR 0

    I’ve just checked and it does say Lukaku top goalscorer plus Belgium to win.

    Perhaps they made a mistake initially and have changed the enhancement after a few people got on it?

    Char 0

    They must have changed it now then. At my betting slip it says “to be the top scorer”.

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