Wrong lay

  • Guys, was meant to lay £4.74 on Poland for a £5 free bet I had but misclicked on smarkets and laid £10 instead. Anyone give me an idea as to how to get out of this one? I could risk it and hope Poland don’t win but think I would rather cover myself!

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    tonyr 0

    If you have laid Poland at 7.4 I think that you would have to back Poland (7.2) for a stake of 5.43. Your qualifying loss would be slightly higher but your liability would be the same.

    Your liability, after laying £10 should be £64.Your liability would have been £30.34 if you had correctly laid £4.74.

    The difference in the two liabilities is £33.66. Divide this by the back odds 6.2 (7.2-1) and you get a back stake of £5.43.

    I’m not an expert at this by any means so please wait for somebody to check this.

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