Bad EW Races NO CHAT

  • Right an idea I got from oddsmonkey, we post the daily bad EW races on here with no chat or discussion, plenty of topics for that. Think this thread will help us all in case you don’t think it will just skip this please ?

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    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    chrisrose123 1


    MbPunter 18

    Taken Grania O’Malley at 17.0. Also backed it to place at 4.0 hills.

    Lewdy 0

    Chilli filli straight arb in hills to place market too 5.5/4.6

    How do we feel about hitting these? Ticket to gubbsville?

    MbPunter 18

    Probably won’t last long doing it. I got referred to traders other week for backing one. Since i’ve just used an old account to place small value bets on any i see. They’ve been miles too short on the faves and left arbs on Grania and Chilli all day.

    Lewdy 0

    Tangled 67/75 win

    Places 14.2/11 but will prob drop more

    pebblehead 0

    Tangoed is 101.00 at Freds, well out of line, decent looking point to point runner, I’d probably punt this if I was a mug bettor ew…Dont want to flag account so leaving it…

    Chris 19

    Liquidity is really poor so close to the race which is a shame as the top three have drifted all day with the exception of Oscar Rose.

    Chris 19

    Grania is looking great though, 4.2/3 on the place already and you can still get 17.0 at Freds/Tote

    Chris 19

    Smashed in. Would be good if Chilli place dropped below 4 for my bet at 21.0 but the arb on my 26.0 price is sweet too.

    MbPunter 18

    Grania plunging nicely.

    Chris 19

    Layed Grania place 4.2/2.58. £87 if she places.

    Chris 19

    Boooooom Chilli you beauty

    MbPunter 18

    Get in Chilli.

    Winner was drifting all day.

    Chris 19

    Weird, Hills have it settled as a losing bet

    MbPunter 18

    They sorted it? Definitely came 3rd and they settled it as a winner in the place only market.

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