Bad EW Races NO CHAT

  • Right an idea I got from oddsmonkey, we post the daily bad EW races on here with no chat or discussion, plenty of topics for that. Think this thread will help us all in case you don’t think it will just skip this please ?

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    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    scabbadab 252

    Nice 1 Keyboard! Thought I was bang even on the win there with about £25 up the place . Until I checked through my bets that I did earlier and reliased I had a £5.35 (restricted) E/W bet with Boyles at 19.0 that I forgot to match up!. Sloppy but nice!

    scabbadab 252

    Lovely MB!

    Chris 19

    Nothing else out there today so think its time for my monthly mass withdrawals and profit counting. After a rubbish January, I’ll be surprised if I haven’t cleared 2.2-2.5k in February.

    MbPunter 18

    Nice one Scabb, beats my 50p unlaid at 365!

    Quality numbers Chris, well played.

    scabbadab 252

    Yep been a cracking month!

    bbobb 21

    Think I’m about to lose my new WH account…. just had my £75 FB from Friday on a 11.0 into 8.0 winner

    Underlaid so made a decent bit on it.

    scabbadab 252

    Cheers MB. Often when I’m attempting these bets on the now restricted sites and I see how low the max is just I push the bet button and sometimes forget I placed it when It come’s to lay off time. Also had a whopping £1.67! e/w on Prem Celtic 7.0 at 365 which I forgot until it won. Normally remember ones above a fiver though! so very lucky today with the £5.35 unlayed. Actually came back to see Keyboard had won and thought..shit Ive actually layed the win to lose 5 quid(normally leave a little bit of profit leeway when Ive got a bad match on the win) So didnt feel like celebrating with everyone else…until I had a flashblack to the Boyles bet

    scabbadab 252

    Hopefully you will be alright Bob. A couple of weeks ago I put a £36 freebet with them on a 16-1 – which kept coming in until I laid at 10.5. It won at about 9-1- Still hanging on there thankfully!

    scabbadab 252

    The 440 could be the best High5 race of the day (3m 8R) With a 2-1 fav. Also if it stays at 8R, There could be something to back at 188’s 1/4 odds place offer.

    bbobb 21

    Couldnt get near a match on the fav in the 15:35

    On the gamble (Zen Master) and a massive BOG bonus in the unlikely event that Borus Brook wins (running down a reload bonus)

    bbobb 21

    Sickener… fav just wouldnt come close to a match.

    Always a nightmare when they are steady at a price.

    MbPunter 18

    Anyone closed by SJ now unable to log into uni bet?

    bbobb 21

    I was able to login but got a message about Stan James….. was same username on both sites so account must have been connected.

    Not tried to place a bet.

    MbPunter 18

    Can’t log in at all. Chat saying they need to check why was closed by SJ first.

    scabbadab 252

    I just tried to enter SJ and its gone!. Wasnt closed by SJ just down to penny bets. All fine over at UNI with the £7.77 I had left shuffled over there. Can you not log into Uni?

    R.I.P. Stan
    Thanks for the arbs

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