For the fellow MB veterans…

  • Right lads over the course of my matched betting journey I, like most of you have lost my fair share of bookies along the way, Paddy, Sky, 365, Hills etc… Now, I officially move home on the 26th of this month, new address, new internet along with a brand new bank account… You know the question that’s coming… Do I re-sign up for these bookies with my new details bearing in mind, name and DOB haven’t changed?

    I’ve never attempted this before and always taken it on the chin (but that’s another matter entirely ?)… Some of you boys must have had some success?… Or maybe failures?


  • New to matched betting?

    My Matched Betting Academy is the best place to get started. Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    78naD 2

    I have done it Tony, got all new accounts except for Skky who seemed to know it was still me, got fresh accounts with all but had new address in new house, just used a different card to deposit but still same bank account, renewed passport so that was a fresh ID number for them, and new skky bill from telly for utility or whatever.

    Gave me a new lease of life, best of luck with it

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