Horse Racing – Sat 19 March

  • So, if you have any energy left after the last 4 days (not to mention having any exchange float!) what are you on today at the horses.

    Thinking if going for Fort Carson with Sky in their 2nd/3rd place at Uttoxeter (14:25), but it looks a tough race to hit a refund on.

    None of the other Channel 4 races look particularly easy to find a second in either.

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    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    AM 0

    Ascot 10/10.5, Jokers 9/9.4

    RyanB 11

    Smarkets playing up again! Apparently nothing on the lays at all…

    LJH 1

    Yea funny how get more problems on Saturdays than during Cheltenham’s lol

    Chris 19

    Perfect scenario

    1st – Midtech Valentine
    2nd – Jokers and Rogues or Northandsouth
    3rd – Ascot de Bruyere

    El chico 1

    I’m not impressed by Smarkets at times …disconnects me randomly

    Chris 19

    Rubbish Ascot

    Chris 19

    Wow what an terrible start

    Chris 19

    Sakhee City was actually the other horse I would have gone for if not Ascot but I thought his odds were too long.

    username 0

    woohoo, sakhee’s city!

    only done the sky offer. apart from bet365 is there anything else worth doing today?

    Chris 19

    Got the top two in the next race

    RyanB 11

    Got Sakhee on wh 11/11 goes to show sometimes its best to go for lowest qualifying loss than shorter odds

    Chris 19

    Going to be one of those days, think I’ll leave it there.

    Chris 19

    Sakhee had the best stats for a second/third place finish followed by Ascot but I went for the former because Sakhee didn’t look at all fancied in the markets.

    Maybe good that my run was broken anyway, too many Sky free bets. That would have been 7 in a row for Saturday and Wednesday free bets.

    simon2000 2

    This is a bad start for me too

    3:00 utto

    Abracadabra fell over after I have him for 1st BF and 2nd LB. April 1st on bet365 was a big fail too.

    Got on the ladbrookes boost for blame it on roots for a few £
    Oh well topping up the exchange I guess.

    Might go do something else !

    Chris 19

    Yeah I left it after that second race but fancied Henry Parri Morgan to win that race so stuck £5 on him as the odds drifted. Makes up qualifying losses I guess.

    Definitely not going back in though, looks really open and unpredictable racing today, the ground isnt helping either.

    Good luck everyone, I’m switching to the football.

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