I guess…

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    78naD 2

    Glad to hear it’s only a timeout you’ve given him Matt. A lot don’t like him but as you can see from this thread a lot of us do like him too.

    RyanB 11


    His first post ahaha the dog will never lie down!

    El chico 1

    Dan ..you’re going on as if he was winding folk up and we were obsessing about his profits. Absolute opposite: I felt he was being bullied latterly. It was the constant and relentless groundhog day style nature of every thread that got to people also. If he comes back then I hope he has learned a lesson. Although, like a kid at school who gets suspended, he’ll probably be good for two days before returning to his ways.

    Chris 19

    At the risk of this descending in to a prolonged discussion, I would emphasise that its not the boasting etc that wound people up (if thats possible as a result of an internet forum) but just the fact he wasn’t really helping or contributing. I’m surprised that some of you claim he was always posting offers/arbs etc because thats just not true. The majority of his posts were self congratulations after the event or profit threads. Its not what the forum is for and on that level he deserves the ban.

    I’ve defended him a lot on the basis that, as mentioned, his profit claims are perfectly feasible but that information provides no purpose or benefit to the forum unless hes spotted an arb and/or offer and posted it beforehand.

    I often disappear from this forum for long periods of time because I don’t find offers or cant be bothered to post those that are around, the same way that the Tony’s arent as active as they used to be anymore. I could just as easily come here at the end of every day and tell you how I won £100 on a horse that I found for the extra place offer and it came in but what help is that to anyone?

    If you feel an attachment to matchedem on a level of exchanging profit totals or general chit chat and piss taking then connect to each other on social media or something.

    El chico 1

    Well said Chris

    Bazza74 5

    I agree, well said Chris. At the end of the day we are all here for the same reason to make money off the bookies. Since I came here I’ve learnt loads from other more experience posters. Its been an eye opener. Found out about new strategies and way to play offers. Its not about who makes the most each month. A big thank you to Matt for keeping this forum free and providing lots of info. Without this I wouldn’t of made thousands of pounds over the last 12 months.

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