MB2's/Shop Bonuses Thread

  • Post up on here any info regarding in shop special offers like moneyback 2nds-2nd to favs etcetc

  • New to matched betting?

    My Matched Betting Academy is the best place to get started. Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    betman 41


    If link dont work just google paddy power onside

    Cheers for EP info. I’ve done a bit of bad eway in the corals 2mins from work, but if I drive/walk and can get to a paddy, ladbrokes and hills in 10mins on a lunch.

    If I can get a bit on the paddy/lads offers then mix it up with some eway extra place stuff i can hopefully quickly get a chunk value on , and have a variety bets where I dont stick out….. similar to scabba tactics i think there

    setara 8

    Thanks betman

    scabbadab 252

    Yes sounds good betman. Also a variety of bets is good- not just straight exact maximums on the mb races.👍

    scabbadab 252

    Lovely stuff Betman with the Paddy Power Onside site👍👍👍 Will be able to plan days ahead much better with that tool now.

    betman 41

    Any ides what lads will/might have on today?

    Was going to make a first go at my lunchtime bookie tour but bit underwhelmed by current state paddys races, NRs or odds changes needed.

    Mb2nd races quite open, with poor value when there is a clearer fav

    EPs not great. 1 of them that should be good, and the 5 placer ok on paper but I dont recall spotting paddys odds as much good in that type race

    scabbadab 252

    Slow out the traps today myself so haven’t had a good look yet aside from seeing last night on the cool paddy app👍 That their magnificent 7 were not so. Ladbrokes normally do a couple of Mb all if favs wins – will post when I’m in there about 1030👍

    scabbadab 252

    Poor choices for the mb2fs as usual in Lads Betman. All minimum 2/1 fav jobs
    The 2 Friday special mb all fav wins are 615/715 which should be decent value👍

    betman 41

    No sign of any offers, extra places…. or customers in ladbrokes.

    Paddy busy, few bets on

    Hills some extra places, 1 decent price. Percy B hammered in 3.15 so cut b4 I got on

    scabbadab 252

    Aye Lads always seem a bit empty! Also they are back to old 2 meets mb2f today but nothing to get exited about
    Paddy’s enhanced 3pm football treb
    Leeds/wba/Liverpool 5/1
    Pretty good..1.56/1.89/1.90👍

    scabbadab 252

    Prob 1/2 pt of value in that🤔

    scabbadab 252

    The Sauce missing out in the 435. Off at same price 5.5 ew- so about €10 of loss there🙃

    scabbadab 252

    Texting off at 9.0/2.78 for a pt win arb and free pop at the 5th🤞🏻

    scabbadab 252

    Those two texts were meant for the other thread😑

    Hard scrapping for these pp 2nd to bigger prices. Often no choice but to load up on shots with price up to 1/2 pt out🙃 At least last two days has seen a burst of em coming in 2nd ..with about 2 out of the 4 reasonables races landing each day..not sure how prof these shots are on average..but def profitable if going with the best ones long term…
    Ladbrokes and Boyle’s have had shocking selections/meetings all week..so the graft has been mainly in the EPRs/b eways this week.

    betman 41

    From the 4 favs I took yday scabba I worked out over 20% expected ROI using probability of coming 2nd.
    In reality it should be better than that as its rare a horse goes off 3/3.8 so BOG should help….. although if it’s not a clear fav a drift may mean it’s not fav

    I think those ladbrokes offers might be ireland only, they may be next to useless here if dont do extra places

    Hills do a handful extra places here

    scabbadab 252

    Aye nice Betman- yeah always factor in bog estimates. As normally at worst you will end up about .3 pt out on a horse at the SP/exchange with an early price up until about 5/2 range- and of course sometimes it will steam in a win arb. You will prob Farley be more than 10% out at worse and pretty always have a higher than that % chance of hitting a 2nd to bigger price- iGets more dicey above the 7/2 range as sometimes on a drifter beyond day 5s the Sp/bog can be up to a pt off. So def profitable bet range with the big/offer…how much don’t know..but just keep on boshing em on👍

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