Smarkets down

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    I’ll flag our concerns up to Smarkets guys and I’ll let you know once I’ve had a response.

    Nellie1 0

    Appreciate it Matt! I like smarkets but when these things happens it just doesn’t matter how low the commission is. It almost gives me a heart attack when I find out that I unintentionally have placed multiple laying bets on a very high odds outcome because of the technical problems. What’s even worse is that I couldn’t cancel my unmatched bets yesterday at first. Betfair seems like a much more reliable option..

    Dbb 3

    learnt a few lessons in the last few months.

    Don’t assume lay odds will drop close to the event start.
    Horse racing is some crazy random shit, don’t even contemplate a mug bet.
    Don’t count on smarkets staying up during busy days.

    Trying to keep a 50/50 float in bet fair and smarkets now, I’d have been screwed on Saturday if I didn’t have cash in my bet fair account when smarkets went tits up.


    Hi guys. I got in touch with Smarkets and here is their response…

    “Our main priority for the last 12 months has been site stability. As we continue to grow it is a constant challenge to keep up with the number of users that are using the site. This weekend was a very poor showing on our front and whilst it is of no comfort to the users that were affected this weekend, the site had been stable for the past two months.

    We are working hard to make the site as stable as possible. A lot of work in the past three months has been done on making the site scalable. This project should be coming to a close in the next few weeks and we should see the benefits from then on.”

    It’s good to hear that they’ve spent a lot of time making the site scalable, as once that project is complete, it should enable them to grow and handle the increasing number of users much more efficiently. Fingers crossed guys!

    Chris 19

    Thanks Matt. I do reject the notion that the site has been stable for the past two months. I dont want to keep harping on about it but yeah six consecutive Saturdays its had problems and I heard it also had technical issues last night with price updates, cant verify that though as I’ve moved to betfair for the time being.

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