Bet365 C4 offer

  • Could you guys point me to, or explain a simple step by step guide to the above please.
    For example’ should the first bet be QB or risk free?. If it wins, what is next step.
    I’ve been doing football for a while and would like to try out the horses.

    Thanks in advance

  • New to matched betting?

    My Matched Betting Academy is the best place to get started. Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    JCL_69 0

    Hi FoG, im just finding my feet with Ch 4 racing. I like option 4 too. At this time im just building a racing profile with Bet365 so am only placing max bets of £10. If I layfor £10.71 i guarantee myself 50p per race if the horse doesnt win. If it wins you mentioned that you would lay enough to cover the QL. May I ask how you would go about placing this bet. Im a little confused but once I grasp the concept I will be up and running! Warm regards. JCL1969

    deathstar 25

    if you just want to lay as risk free, divide your stake by 0.98 (or 0.95 for betfair) to take account of the commission on the exchange. so:
    £10/0.98 = £10.20 is your stake.
    Then the amount you can extract depends on how good the back/lay odds match is .

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