Cheltenham Day 4 – Gold Cup

  • Triumph Hurdle (1.30)
    County Hurdle (2.10)
    Albert Bartlett (2.50)
    Cheltenham Gold Cup (3.30)
    Foxhunter Chase (4.10)
    Grand Annual (4.50)
    Martin Pipe Conditional Jockeys’ Handicap Hurdle (5.30)

  • New to matched betting?

    My Matched Betting Academy is the best place to get started. Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    scabbadab 253

    ATHs should ATGs🙃Although ATH could be a new acronym for All Time Heroes🤔

    scabbadab 253

    Yes the new ‘arby army’ ready for the upcoming flat season battles with..
    General Enigma..passing on valuable stratergys
    Caltain Scabba..out in the field for every battle in all weathers
    Sergant major..Antisocial..rallying the troops when needed
    Lance Coparals MrM & ‘Big Arb ‘Tony..emerging officers itching for battle
    Lance Coparal ‘Handy’ emerging force currently MIA

    And others ‘unorganised but ready to fight’
    Sorry if i missed anyone out..

    Sorry ive had a few beers after kopping that grand winner last race of a very tiring week..lets get cracking tomorrow👍

    scabbadab 253

    And Finally (i swear!) for Mr Ms mention of getting best value night before..this week in ghe shops ive been picking up cracking each way and wins arbs just after races finish at about 6pm in shops..ssp paddies..boyles much more shrewd and ladbrokes slow to post up..never bothered much in the past with night before stuff..deffo the way forward on any big race days/special early price races..forgot to check out tomorrows early bird for the big national race tomorrow due to beers etc🙃 sure there was good shots/value around🤔

    Cliff 24

    Still as eccentric as ever scabs. Hope you’ve had a good 4 days

    aNtis0ciaL 12

    Hope everyone had a great Cheltenham. Got hold of a few new accounts (killed 3 of them) but decent profit all round.

    Haha Scab, deserve a few beers after chelt, it’s always tiring (especially when working a 9-5 too!)

    scabbadab 253

    Haha thought old lurker Cliff would pop up after seeing that. Nice one
    And yes still the same- likewise

    scabbadab 253

    Yeah really tiring mate.. tried taking on an apprentice for the shop stuff- texting him what to do..he was to dozy to do a good solid i had fo fire him..but for a few days I was in hyper mode!

    scabbadab 253

    Hey Cliff -missing your posts about your camping holidays/€4k a month job and €300 each ways
    Why dont u sod off from posting on here or maybe for once post something of value🤔

    scabbadab 253

    But sorry for not putting you in the Army page- maybe i could put you in as a useless mercenary desserter🤔

    Cliff 24

    No need to lurk on here mate, this is the first time I’ve been on this forum since my last post! All the valuable information that was once shared is still shared, but just else where.

    No job for me now either I quit a year ago to pursue full time 1% account abuse and the occasional sharb if I can be bothered to venture out

    scabbadab 253

    Great to hear- see ya👍

    br4nflakes1 0

    Hi guys,
    Cheltenham was okay but nothing special for me this year. Mainly multi accounting for me.
    £180 in free bets from Unibet
    £60 in refunds from WH
    £30 free bets from WH
    £40 free bets from Betfair.
    £20 money back from sky.
    Then a few arb underlays.
    Interested to see/understand how big money is made from the E/W Arbing as I understand the concept but don’t get where the big profits are coming from.
    Hope you all had a good week anyway.

    Tony 15

    Bran the big money is in the extra place races, say you put £50 ew on a 50/1

    It comes 5th you lay the win and place on exchange but you only have to pay out of the horse came 1st-4th.

    So you win your bet at bookies £675 and the lay bets at exchange another £50

    Ew arbing requires a heavy favourite below 2 ideally below 1.5, now the horses in the field are not likely to win but are likely to come 2nd or 3rd . In this case you lay the win, and lay the place but the place will be arbing so try to get a few points on the place if it comes in you win that point arb x your bet

    scabbadab 253

    Masterfully put Tony.👍Sir. Showing future General material

    scabbadab 253

    Its something you need to get a basic understanding of all the ins and outs/pitfalls. Then start gently at steady stakes when you see something or follow a tip on here. And build up stakes as you get more experienced at it.
    Aside from Tonys great piece there on it there is plenty of info on this site- I believe Matt -the governor on here -has started a segment on the subject in his many info threads (for which I have promised to add some insights to in the upcoming days)👍

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