Kempton 14:30 Extra place
hi all,
just trying to get my head around the extra place matching.
i have read the guide and can follow most of it but i am stuck and working out place odds, the horse i was going to pick was Bauchamp opal at 11/2, the guide advises me to divide the 11 by 4 to work out the odds, this gives me 2.75, however it then advises to add a 1 on to give me my place odds. but Opal is 11/2 so do i add a 2 after dividing it to 2.75?
any other advise would be great.
+0January 6, 2017 at 9:51 am
New to matched betting?
My Matched Betting Academy is the best place to get started. Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.
Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.
to do this long winded:
11/2 in decimal is 6.5 : (11/2 = 5.5 +1 = 6.5)
place odds at 1/5 on this are:
6.5-1 = 5.50 ( to turn it back to fractional odds)
5.5/5 = 1.1
add back the 1 to put it back to decimal = 2.1 place odds
so your horse is 6.5 it’s place odds are 2.1this is handy :
+0hi swanst, no,
think of the 11/2 as a fraction (5.5 not 6.5)
then divide by 4 and add 1 so 2.375+0Be careful here
First thing to understand is the bookie paying a 1/4 or a 1/5 odds?. Ensure that you have this right.
If you are using fractions then as granitechin advises convert to decimals. In fact I would recommend you work in decimals it’s far easier. So using your example 11/2 = 6.5 in decimals – that’s 11 divided by 2 = 5.5 plus 1 = 6.5
To then work out the place odds deduct 1 from the decimal win odds – in this case 5.5 and divide the result by whatever the bookie is paying usually either 1/4 or 1/5.
Assuming the bookie is offering 1/4 odds then 5.5 divided by 4 = 1.375 at which point you then add 1 back to this giving you place odds of 2.375 as mentioned above by A
+0Do people actually still think these sky offers are good value now they are 1/5 odds instead of 1/4! They can’t be any good FACTUALLY as u must be taking major losses
+0thanks for the quick response guys!
+0im pretty new to this are extra places at 1/5 no good?
+0If it’s not placed then same as other bookies.
If it hits extra place then fantastic offer.
If normal place then bit worse than others, but you probably woldn’t have done the bet.
If it wins it friggin’ annoying!Go for it if an ew arb looks on and underlay both win and place.
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