Large Signup Clearing
I am wondering about peoples strategies for clearing large signup bonuses like B*t365s, ones where you get bonus cash of the same amount as you deposited and there are potentially large wagering requirements.
Do you place one large bet? Lots of small bets? What sort of float did you have at the exchange before you started?
+0December 8, 2015 at 8:36 am
New to matched betting?
My Matched Betting Academy is the best place to get started. Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.
Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.
I have always started by placing one large bet. If I win on the bookmaker side I go on to place an even larger bet. This makes me able to clear the bonus offers pretty fast. The downsides is that it could be quite stressful to end up with a lot of money locked in a bettingsite, especially if you don’t know if the bookmaker is reliable. Also, I think you might get flagged if you place huge bets since normal gamblers probably don’t bet like that. It hasn’t been a problem for me though 🙂
I am planning on taking on the Comeon bonus soon (which is around 235 pounds for me who lives in Scandinavia) and I think I’ll use a different strategy then. I have thought of trying the martingale system where I first place a bet of for example 100 pounds on odds as close to 2 as possible and if I win on the bookmaker site, I place a bet of 200 pounds next time and so on.
If you stick to bets at around odds 2, you will need around the same money on the exchange site as the bonus + your deposited amount in the bookmaker.
Good luck! 🙂
+0Am currently working through the bet 365 offer. I look for odds of around 3 and underlay. This way if the bet looses and the money goes to the exchange we loose a minimal amount of money
+0I am sure when I did the comeon sign up it was double’s only
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